The first two photos were actually taken in our front yard. The remainder were taken at the Arboretum.
This poor little blog has been sorely neglected. I can’t believe I haven’t posted since June. A check-in is well overdue.
I’m making steady progress on the practice I detailed in my last post. Homeschooling has resumed, so my free time is very limited. However, I have gotten into a habit of rising before 6 o’clock in the morning and banishing my boys to their rooms with books or toys until 8 o’clock in the morning. That and setting my coffeemaker to perk at 5:50 have given me two hours for myself to read and exercise. I hope in time to add some writing to this.
Getting down the details:
Current reading: Labyrinth by Kate Mosse and The Creative License by Danny Gregory. I’m also enjoying working through exercises in the latter.
Current exercise: I’m genuinely enjoying 35 minutes per day on the elliptical. I intend to work up to 50 minutes. Once I reach that goal, I will work in some swimming, yoga and fitness ball workouts. I will resume horseback riding lessons very soon as well. With the coming fall weather, I also hope to get back to biking and hiking with the family on weekends.
Current knitting: I have successfully completed one full set of rows of the Priceless White Diamonds pattern. It’s only taken me at least a year and a half dozen attempts, but I’ll take it.
Current piano practice: My boys have resumed their piano lessons, and I thought I would model good practice habits by picking up my own studies. I continue with Hanon’s The Virtuoso Pianist in 60 Exercises and Alfred’s Basic Adult Piano Course. I also practice scales and am attempting to learn Bach’s 6 Kleine Praludien. I don’t have high hopes for the last one, but I will enjoy the challenge.
Current recipes: I have been seriously expanding my cooking repertoire of late with the help of Clean Eating magazine. Among my latest feats have been Lemon Chicken Scaloppine with Spinach, Broccoli and White Bean Macaroni and Cheese, and Italian Pork and Tomato Soup, I’d try to hot link the recipes, but I’ve liberally edited them because I can’t leave a recipe alone, so hot linking isn’t possible.
Current writing: This is where I need the most improvement. My first goal is to attend to my three blogs a bit more routinely. After that, I’d like to start a longer creative project. It feels like something is skirting the edges of imagination. I just need to focus on getting it on the page.
That’s it for now.
My Practice
As I mentioned in my last post, I’m trying to create a practice. I’m happy to say that it is slowly evolving.
For whatever reason, my sons are sleeping late this summer, and I am not. I have been waking around six most days. With a hot cup of coffee, I head to my office and open the window so I can watch the sun rising. I start my practice with a short reading from Fragments of Your Ancient Name: 365 Glimpse of the Divine for Daily Meditation and Your True Home: The Everyday Wisdom of Thich Nhat Hahn. These readings are no more than a few lines each. One is primarily from the Western tradition, while the other is Eastern. I like beginning my day with that balance.
Once I finish my short reading, I delve into one or two of several books:
The Artist’s Rule: Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom
The Rhythm of the Family: Discovering a Sense of Wonder through the Seasons
20th Century Poetry and Poetics
Artist’s Journal Workshop: Creating Your Life in Words and Pictures
The Meaning of Mary Magdalene: Discovering the Woman at the Heart of Christianity
Awake in the Wild: Mindfulness in Nature as a Path of Self-Discovery
Take Ten for Writers: 1000 Writing Exercises to Build Momentum in Just 10 Minutes a Day
A Year of Writing Dangerously: 365 Days of Inspiration and Encouragement
Something in these books speaks to me. I seem to be searching for some link between spirituality and creativity and the nature world. To be honest, I’m not sure where this is leading, but I find myself repeatedly drawn to the interplay of these themes.
At first, I was troubled by the fact that I have such a long list of books. However, this is working for me. It may take forever for me to finish any one book, but I suspect that finishing is not the point. I read a selection from whichever ones call to me on a given day. I attempt to focus on the writing in the tradition of lectio divina.
When I finish my reading, I write a bit. I hope to paint as well in the future.
I round out my time by either swimming laps for 50 minutes or working out on my elliptical for 30 minutes. Ideally, I would like to increase my time on the elliptical to 50 minutes and add in a short yoga sequence.
I’m really enjoying this routine, and I’m happier on the days that I practice. I suppose that tells me that I’m on to something.
Another Fantastic Paintner Quote
From Christine Valters Paintner’s The Artist’s Rule:
“When we let go of our desire to be clever or successful or to create beautiful things, we may begin to be open to the sacred truth of our experience as it is, not how we want it to be.”
My Plan for the Summer
I’m in a happy place at the moment. I’ve cleared my deck of most significant obligations and put others on hold. In their absence, I am hoping to take the next few weeks of summer to establish a sort of healthy, spiritual, creative practice that will sustain me when life’s obligations pick up again.
My practice will have three components: physical (exercise & diet), spiritual, and creative. I know my practice can’t be elaborate, or I wont be able to maintain it. I just hope to create making a small space for each of these aspects of my life each day.
I hope to post as my practice evolves.
Great Quotes
From Christine Valters Paintner’s The Artist’s Rule:
“John Daido Loori, the author of The Zen of Creativity: Cultivating Your Artistic Life, writes: ‘The creative process, like a spiritual journey, is intuitive, non-linear, and experiential. It points us toward our essential nature, which is a reflection of the boundless creativity of the universe.’ Creativity and contemplative spirituality nurture and support each other in their commitments to slow the way, to a close attention to the inner life, and to the sacred being revealed in each moment. When I use the word ‘artist,” I include poets, writers, cooks, gardeners, and people who use all manner of creative expression; we are all called to be artists of everyday life.”
A paragraph later, Paintner writes:
“The transformation comes from engaging in the work, of practicing being present to the moment and what it has to teach you about yourself, your creative process, and God. Showing up each day with gentleness and compassion is the heart of the path.”
Bird Feeder / Planter
The boys gave me this bird feeder/planter for Mother’s Day. Now, I realize that living on several acres, this really shouldn’t be my big accomplishment in gardening, but it is for right now. The boys built it for me a week or two ago, and I finished it off with plants and bird food this week. I can see it from my kitchen window and love watching the birds (and squirrel!) go crazy for the feed.
It’s all about enjoying the little things!
Some time back, I had a problem on my blogs with spammers. My spouse and I
made some changes, which solved the problem. A little too well,
actually. It seems no one can comment at the moment.
I’m aware of
the problem, but my guess is that it’s going to take quite a bit of
time, effort, and research to fix it. That wont happen till summer vacation.
I really love to hear from those who read my blog.
Frankly, it just makes me feel good to know others are reading my words
and responding to them. So, please be patient till I can get this issue fixed.
The Band
A knot of white metal,
that sparks and flashes.
A knot tied fast one night
over wasted drinks and dripped dip.
A knot that completed two lives,
no longer needing others.
A knot becoming only
tighter with the tugs of trials.
A knot that even death
could not untie.
A knot forming a fierce circle,
that created my world.
And a bit of fun:
Grocery Shopping Blues
Another week slides by.
Time to fill that fridge again.
Milk’s drained low.
The bread’s but crust.
Ham’s only bone.
good for beans alone.
Saturday is for pushin that cart
up and down those aisles.
Smile at the box boy;
hope he wont crack the eggs.
Tote those bags and boxes.
Only two more stores to go.