365 Somethings Project: Update

I can imagine it seems like I’ve fallen off the face of the earth and forgotten the 365 Somethings Project. In fact, that is not the case at all. On the creative front, I am taking a community college class with an excellent poet, Kevin Craft, whose assignments really push me as a poet. I’m also working through daily prompts in the revised Writer’s Book of Days with friends through email whenever I can spare our requisite five minutes. On really, really good days, I’m trying to get in the habit of doing quick sketches per Danny Gregory’s The Creative License.

While all of that fulfills my personal goals for the 365 Somethings Project, it doesn’t make for very interesting blog posts. Hence, my silence. Furthermore, the poetry class combined with the Beach Watcher training that I’m taking with my son isn’t leaving me much free time in a schedule that is already packed with home, hobby farm, and homeschool obligations, especially now that both spring has arrived and the school year is ramping up before it ends. Suffice it to say, it’s a wild world here at the moment.

My best guess at the moment is that I wont post regularly again until after mid-June when my Beach Watcher training and poetry class end, and I can once again pick up some of my more visual creative outlets. That said, I really miss the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge, so you never know.

Until the next time!

365 Somethings Project: Week 13

Much to report on my 365 Somethings Project this week! It was a very good week for discovering small ways to be creative in an otherwise crazily hectic week.

First, Mom’s scarf is coming along nicely. I think I have enough yarn to finish the color pattern and repeat it one more time.

Mom’s Scarf 3

Second, I am a huge fan of Taproot magazine. This weekend I decided to make a couple of dishes out of the Hearth issue. All I can say is that I hardly had time to get photographs before both dishes were gone.

Taproot’s Mushroom Stroganoff

Taproot’s Raspberry Clafoutis

Yesterday, we had a lovely, sunny day here in Seattle, so we took the boys for a two-and-a-half hour walk in the Lake Washington area, which gave me a great opportunity for some lovely spring photographs.

Cherry Tree with Pond

Branch of Cherry Blossoms

Cherry Blossoms

Seattle on a Sunny Day

Finally, I have been establishing a simple routine at night where I write from a prompt in the revised Writer’s Book of Days and draw from a prompt in The Creative License for just five minutes each. It seems to be working well for me, and I think it’s something I can stick with on even crazy, exhausting days.

So, I’m calling this a good week in terms of creativity!


This poor little blog has been sorely neglected. I can’t believe I haven’t posted since June. A check-in is well overdue.

I’m making steady progress on the practice I detailed in my last post. Homeschooling has resumed, so my free time is very limited. However, I have gotten into a habit of rising before 6 o’clock in the morning and banishing my boys to their rooms with books or toys until 8 o’clock in the morning. That and setting my coffeemaker to perk at 5:50 have given me two hours for myself to read and exercise. I hope in time to add some writing to this.

Getting down the details:

Current reading: Labyrinth by Kate Mosse and The Creative License by Danny Gregory. I’m also enjoying working through exercises in the latter.

Current exercise: I’m genuinely enjoying 35 minutes per day on the elliptical. I intend to work up to 50 minutes. Once I reach that goal, I will work in some swimming, yoga and fitness ball workouts. I will resume horseback riding lessons very soon as well. With the coming fall weather, I also hope to get back to biking and hiking with the family on weekends.

Current knitting: I have successfully completed one full set of rows of the Priceless White Diamonds pattern. It’s only taken me at least a year and a half dozen attempts, but I’ll take it.

Current piano practice: My boys have resumed their piano lessons, and I thought I would model good practice habits by picking up my own studies. I continue with Hanon’s The Virtuoso Pianist in 60 Exercises and Alfred’s Basic Adult Piano Course. I also practice scales and am attempting to learn Bach’s 6 Kleine Praludien. I don’t have high hopes for the last one, but I will enjoy the challenge.

Current recipes: I have been seriously expanding my cooking repertoire of late with the help of Clean Eating magazine. Among my latest feats have been Lemon Chicken Scaloppine with Spinach, Broccoli and White Bean Macaroni and Cheese, and Italian Pork and Tomato Soup, I’d try to hot link the recipes, but I’ve liberally edited them because I can’t leave a recipe alone, so hot linking isn’t possible.

Current writing: This is where I need the most improvement. My first goal is to attend to my three blogs a bit more routinely. After that, I’d like to start a longer creative project. It feels like something is skirting the edges of imagination. I just need to focus on getting it on the page.

That’s it for now.

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