Sometimes, it’s just the fact you showed up.
Creative Every Day Challenge: WIP
I am taking a watercolor class. This is our first assignment. I do not like the results in any way. Most likely, I will finish this and try to repaint this project again before class. However, I’ve decided to memorialize this mess on the blog because ultimately, a work in progress is still progress. I still made time to get something done, and the only way to improve is to pick up the brushes and make mistakes.
Welcome, 2015!
2015 has officially begun. As I was reading today, I came across a quote which sums my perspective as we begin yet another trip around our sun.
“What if religion was each other?
If our practice was our life?
If prayer was our words?
What if the temple was the Earth?
If forests were our church?
If holy water – the rivers, lakes, and oceans?
What if meditation was our relationships?
If the Teacher was life?
If wisdom was self-knowledge?
If love was the center of our being.”
Ganga White, founder of the White Lotus Foundation
Here is to a year in which love is the center of our being!
Thought-Provoking Quote
“Creativity did not descend like a bolt of lightning that lit up the world in a single brilliant flash. It came in tiny steps, bits of insight, and incremental changes. Zigs and zags. When people followed those zigs and zags, ideas and revelations start flowing.”
Keith Sawyer, Zig Zag: The Surprising Path to Greater Creativity
Creative Every Day Check-In: Earrings
Creative Every Day Check-In Recipe
Here, I started with the recipe for oatmeal pancakes with maple fruit from The Ultimate Diabetes Cookbook, but I can’t leave any recipe alone. Instead of putting sliced bananas on top with the berries, I mashed three to four bananas into the batter. I also skipped the sugar-free maple syrup in and on the pancakes. Instead, I microwaved frozen mixed berries and let the juice create a syrup and added a couple of slices of turkey bacon.
Creative Every Day Challenge
Once again, I’ve decided to join the Creative Every Day Challenge. I’m late, but what’s new? I realize this probably sounds like a pretty futile task for someone who never seems to finish any creative project. However, I like this challenge for a couple of reasons. First, creativity is defined broadly. It can include a photograph, recipe, poem or whatever I feel required my creativity. Second, I do not have to post every single day. I need to try to be creative every day, but I wont feel like a failure if I don’t get a post up here. Third, even if I’m only creative a few times in a week, the challenge reminds me of my goal to take more time for creativity. Finally, I think I will enjoy looking back on a long list of posts at the end of the year, evidencing how far I’ve come in my goal!
So, let’s see where the 2014 Challenge takes me.
Hello, Old Friend!
It seems like a decade since I’ve had time to visit this space. So much has happened. I live in a different state, and that is true both literally and metaphorically. We are far from settled and probably wont be for many months. We now live on over 15 acres, fringed with old growth trees on the edge of a river. The climate is very different than in California: we expect snow tonight! Each day presents new challenges. Some are handled with a modicum of grace. Some are not.
That said, this space is not for those challenges. This is my corner to create and ponder. So, I am here to report somewhat proudly that I have begun taking baby steps back to my creative life.
(1) I’ve started a journal. It’s a silly thing, really. In the morning, I make a few simple goals for the day. At night, I see what I’ve accomplished. Sometimes, I’m very successful. Sometimes, I’m not. However, at least I’m checking in and trying.
(2) I’ve managed to carve out a simple exercise routine of yoga and a long walk outdoors most days. Nothing better than the quiet and fresh air to let the mind unwind and percolate.
(3) I’ve picked up my book reviews and copy editing once more, and I’ve accepted an offer to edit manuscripts for publication. I’m very excited to see where that may take me.
(4) Although it may not seem like a huge accomplishment, I’ve located both my knitting and painting supplies among the endless boxes! I even managed to complete several rows on my latest baby blanket. I’ve even been looking at our piano longing, across the room over a sea of boxes. The fact I finally have a drive to get back to these projects makes life feel more normal to me.
(5) Finally, I am dreaming and scheming again! I look outside and see flower, herb and vegetable gardens, a small orchard, and maybe a greenhouse. What about a few chickens for eggs or some bees? What about the concoctions I can make in my kitchen? And wouldn’t I love to make some things for the house! All in good time, of course.
Well, little space, I’m back. Or I’m coming back bit by bit, and it feels wonderful.
It’s What’s for Lunch!
Okay, my posts are getting a bit redundant, but cooking is about my only creative outlet at the moment. I’m having fun trying to find new and interesting ways to empty the freezer and pantry by creating new combinations before we leave.
Today, I steamed a large amount of CSA broccoli, browned a package of turkey burger, and made a large pot of pasta. After that, I whipped up a quick cheese sauce using sharp cheddar and combined all the ingredients for a tasty lunch. Yum! And I have enough leftovers for one more meal!