Hawaii Flora
Hawaii Flora
Hawaii Flora
Hawaii Flora
Hawaii Flora
Extreme Productivity Post at Project-Based Homeschooling
I found this post on a blog I’ve recently started following called Project-Based Homeschooling. This particular post seemed to apply more to my non-homeschooling life,however. So I thought I’d record a handy link here to remind myself to stop planning and fussing and just start. Whatever the project, just start.
Hawaii Flora
Hawaii Flora
Garden Journal: A Bit of Fun with Seeds
My youngest son and I took a break from homeschooling today to head outdoors and scatter seeds. The seeds, a California wildflower mix, marigolds, oriental poppies and California poppies, are of indeterminate age, so I’m not terribly sure what will grow. It doesn’t matter. It is enough to be out in the sun with my six-year-old, casting seeds in the wind.