The first gladiouli that we planted this year are in bloom. I’m amazed at the subtle variations of color in a single blossom.

The first gladiouli that we planted this year are in bloom. I’m amazed at the subtle variations of color in a single blossom.
“Rather, they point to what St. John of the Cross indicated as the most vital question at the end of our life: ‘Have you loved well? Was everything that was done, done for love’s sake?'”
“This first thought comes from your intuitive mind, where the creative process finds its foothold and the ego holds no sway. This is the place of rich images and deep thoughts.”
Reeves, Judy. A writers book of days: a spirited companion & lively muse for the writing life. New World Library, 2010.
2015 has officially begun. As I was reading today, I came across a quote which sums my perspective as we begin yet another trip around our sun.
“What if religion was each other?
If our practice was our life?
If prayer was our words?
What if the temple was the Earth?
If forests were our church?
If holy water – the rivers, lakes, and oceans?
What if meditation was our relationships?
If the Teacher was life?
If wisdom was self-knowledge?
If love was the center of our being.”
Ganga White, founder of the White Lotus Foundation
Here is to a year in which love is the center of our being!
“Creativity did not descend like a bolt of lightning that lit up the world in a single brilliant flash. It came in tiny steps, bits of insight, and incremental changes. Zigs and zags. When people followed those zigs and zags, ideas and revelations start flowing.”
Keith Sawyer, Zig Zag: The Surprising Path to Greater Creativity
I found this post on a blog I’ve recently started following called Project-Based Homeschooling. This particular post seemed to apply more to my non-homeschooling life,however. So I thought I’d record a handy link here to remind myself to stop planning and fussing and just start. Whatever the project, just start.