Binky Patrol Blankets

Disney came up with an amazing promotion this year. The premise is that if you volunteer for your favorite charity, they will give you a voucher for free admission to their parks. We chose to make no-sew tied fleece blankets for Binky Patrol. I’m thrilled with the opportunity to take my family for our first trip to Disneyland, and I love volunteering for a worthwhile cause. Still, I must say that making the blankets was no sacrifice. We had a great deal of fun.

And I call that a win-win situation.

Our beautiful blankets.


A Bowl of Flowers

During the right seasons, my middle son often brings me flowers. Today is was a fistful of dandelions and a little lavender weed. He was delighted with his find, and his delight was contagious. I know it’s cliche, but I really do think we would all be better off if we could see the world through a child’s eyes now and again.
