365 Somethings Project: Week 7

This will be a short update. I knew these weeks would be hectic, but I still have a bit of progress to report!

1. Ashley Cowl: After spending a considerable amount of time carefully unraveling every stitch because my attempts at corrections failed, I can finally say that I am off to a solid start. Furthermore, given our rather hectic pace, working with yarn can be incredibly soothing.

Ashley Cowl – A New Beginning

2. Rachel Reinert’s Color Workshop: I completed her colorless blender project. I’m learning a great deal about layering colors that I wouldn’t necessarily have thought to mix. Very eye opening. (That said, I’m not happy with this photo. The lighting is terrible, but needs must.)

Using a colorless blender to smooth out Prismacolor pencil

3. WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: This week the challenge topic was “Tour Guide,” and I took a nice shot of Mt. Baring in the Cascades that form the backdrop to our home.

Sometimes, it feels like progress here is so very slow, especially while I’m unraveling a few inches of cowl. Still, I feel that I am learning, and, given the others demands in my life, I’m doing fairly well. So, bring on the next week!

365 Somethings Project: Parameters and Goals

At the end of my last post, I practically heard a drum roll in my head when I wrote that it was time for the big reveal of my plans for my project. And then. . . radio silence. I clearly jinxed myself. 🙂

I’m getting a bit sideswiped by life at the moment, and, as far as I can tell, I probably will be for at least two more weeks. At least. January tends to be a quieter month here, and then by some magical process, things tend to ramp up till they reach a chaotic conclusion somewhere around the end of school in June. I’ve been thinking about this phenomena as I have been mentally composing this post and realizing that my 365 Somethings Project isn’t about having a perfectly smooth home life that provides me ample time to create. Rather it’s about finding time to create in the midst of my home life, and if I get less time one week or two or three, the fourth week will inevitably arrive with new opportunities.

Speaking of my 365 Somethings Project, it’s time to show my cards. I should probably start with a bit of background. For over a decade, I have been a homeschooling mom to three boys, while overseeing our ever burgeoning menagerie and hobby farm and running a company with my husband some of the time.

From the time I could form interests, I have loved drawing, painting, writing, reading, photography, and needlework. In school, however, I was strongly encouraged to concentrate on a path that would lead to a good job. (I’m not criticizing that line of thinking, by the way. I really wouldn’t mind knowing each of my sons has a job that will provide a modicum of security some day, and I still sleep better at night knowing that I could support our family if it became necessary.) So, I have no formal training in any of those areas that pique my interest.

Over the past decade as I was working, homeschooling, and generally keeping the world turning, I’ve tried different creative avenues, only to drop them because (a) something else needed my attention, and (b) I am now realizing that I have a terrible streak of perfectionism that stopped me. The end result is that I have an office full of books, supplies, and barely begun projects, which happen to be carefully chosen to be of great interest to me.

Change, however, is a constant, and my life is no exception. I no longer run our business, and my role in our homeschooling is evolving as my children grow. With that in mind, I took a poetry class at our local community college this past fall. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed using my mind as I hadn’t done since college. At the end of the course, my instructor, a well-regarded poet, strongly suggested I go back to graduate school, which floored me. I spent winter break pondering new possibilities, but kept returning to the same stumbling block. If I am considering graduate school, should it be writing or something else?

That’s when Hanna wrote her first post about the 365 Somethings Project, and I knew I needed to join. Having looked at others’ projects, I realized that mine is probably not exactly what she had in mind when she first posted. Most participants seem to have a chosen area in which to work. I do not. My project goal is to explore those books, supplies, and projects that I have stockpiled in my office and break through my perfectionist streak. Mine is about 365 days of learning and creating to discover what I like and don’t.

I have only two parameters for the challenge. First, I want to post once a week (as I have been) with my progress so I can look back over the year and see what I’ve accomplished. Second, I will limit myself to only one project in a given area (reading, needlework, art, etc.) at a time.

So, that’s it. Nothing more or less. I guess it’s time to get back to it then. 🙂



WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Beloved

I feel obliged to write that I’m not obsessed with our cats and do not intend to turn every week’s photo challenge into another photo opportunity of them. However, this week’s challenge topic is “Beloved,” and I first think of my spouse or maybe my boys, but I don’t post their pictures out of respect for their privacy. Then, I spied these two cuddled up on my chair and somehow saw them as a sort of horizontal, feline version of Klimt’s The Kiss. Then again, I suspect that is just my unique perspective. 😉

Stormie and Wiley snuggling