Krissy Hancock, owner of the Death by Coffee bookstore and café, has an unusual knack for getting involved in murder investigations. In this third installment of the Bookstore Café series, Krissy is invited to a swank Halloween party in what can best be described as a Halloween nightmare of a mansion. When one of three Marilyn Monroes is found dead after she humiliated her boyfriend in front of the entire party, Krissy cannot resist getting involved.
This novel is definitely a cozy mystery. Most of the action takes place at one party in a small town where everyone seems to know everyone. Readers wont guess the murderer easily. Add in a love triangle with two handsome men and a stalking ex-boyfriend, and readers have all the ingredients necessary for a fun, light read that is perfect for the coming fall season.
(Reviewed in exchange for a copy of book via Netgalley.)