Sunday Morning in the Garden 5

{Summer is ending, and fall is just around the corner. To preserve some
of the joy my garden has given me this year, I’ve decided to do a series
of posts with just one photo of something that caught my eye in the
garden one Sunday morning.}



Vegetable Garden

Much to my dismay, my vegetable garden has become a source of
disappointment this year. I had high hopes for this year because we
leveled more space, expanded my raised beds from three to six and
doubled the height of the new beds for easier access. We also fenced
the area and put down weed block and mulch. With all of that time,
effort and money, I could not help but get my hopes up.

Something, however, is definitely wrong. It may be that we had a very
cool summer in June. Or, the dirt in the new beds may not be what I
wanted. (I thought I ordered one thing and got another.) Inadequate or
inconsistent water may have played a part. Any one of these could have
weakened the plants to permit a virus to attack.

Whatever the cause, the plants are producing, but not thriving. And for
the better part of the summer, it’s bothered me. Last night, however, I
decided to focus on the positive.  Here are the results of my change of

have never had luck growing beans in my garden. Actually, these are
from a second planting, after something came in and nipped my earlier
plants off at the base. I have no idea if I will get any beans, but I
just love the way their delicate tendrils gracefully entwine the
netting. And they appear to be growing by leaps and bounds as those
were not there a week or so ago. You just have to love a plant that

I realize that this isn’t miraculous, but that looks to me to be a
perfect eggplant! Note the unblemished color and perfect shape. This
one has Szechuan Eggplant in its future!

sunflower.jpgFinally, how can anyone feel disappointed in a garden that produced this sunny, happy creature?