King of the Hill

King of the Hill
I think I like this shot for what is hidden in it. The orange and white cat is Moxie. He’s two years old and has acted like a foster parent to Stormie, the grey cat, since we rescued Stormie as a kitten last year. Although younger, Stormie is almost double Moxie’s weight, and they are starting to vie to see who is top cat.

In this picture, Stormie has obtained the prized position on top of the kitty home. However, Moxie is unwilling to relinquish his title, so he is literally lying in a hole to keep his place.

Despite all that political intrigue, they look so serene.


Recently, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m the only one in my house who doesn’t get to nap.

These were taken within minutes of each other.

Wylie and Stormy ~

Wiley & Stormy napping

Kiwi ~

Kiwi napping

Moxie ~
Moxie napping.
Again, I insist that I want to be one of my cats in my next incarnation.


Today, we added a new family member. He is one and a three-quarters
pounds and nine weeks old. His name is Moxie. You can ask the vet techs
who drew his blood this morning if it’s appropriate.

Welcome, Moxie! We wish you a long and happy life!
