Creative Cooking

Today, I had a craving for something fresh. Since I had a few minutes, I headed to Whole Foods and did a whirlwind trip: two packages of grass-fed stew meat, a bag of multicolored new organic potatoes. organic asparagus, an organic eggplant, a red onion, mushrooms, and a handful of green olives.

Once home, I browned the meat in olive oil, red wine, salt and pepper. I added multicolored bell peppers and garlic to my list of ingredients. As the potatoes steamed, I sauteed the other vegetables. Finally, I tossed all of it together, added several diced olives for some added flavor, and served with Romano cheese.

I’d post a picture of it properly dressed for serving, but it’s gone! 🙂

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About Annie

Welcome to the Curious Mind Garden. My name is Annie, and this is my little patch of cyberspace. I post about things that interest me, and I find a lot of things interesting. :)