I was upstairs a couple of days ago when my son brought me a rainbow. He didn’t want me to miss it. You shouldn’t either.
Monthly Archives: April 2010
Napowrimo 7
Running and shouting,
damp tendrils cling to flushed cheeks,
swirl around laughing eyes.
Napowrimo 6
Turn the elusive
phrase for that flash of light, bit
of brilliant color.
Binky Patrol Blankets
Disney came up with an amazing promotion this year. The premise is that if you volunteer for your favorite charity, they will give you a voucher for free admission to their parks. We chose to make no-sew tied fleece blankets for Binky Patrol. I’m thrilled with the opportunity to take my family for our first trip to Disneyland, and I love volunteering for a worthwhile cause. Still, I must say that making the blankets was no sacrifice. We had a great deal of fun.
And I call that a win-win situation.
Our beautiful blankets.
Napowrimo 5
Brilliant flashes of
sunlight, drenching downpours. Spring’s
manic emotions.
Napowrimo 3
Silent slithering,
cold coils constrict my heart, a
. darting tongue murmurs.
Napowrimo 2
Rain persistently
pelts my window, while my thoughts
trickle and puddle.
Napowrimo 1
Rusty wheels screech, then
slowly turn. Bad haiku still
constitutes a poem.